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A quick guide to the application of EU competition law to cartel activity and restrictive agreements or practices. Why is it important to be aware of EU rules Article 102 allows the European Council regulations to govern mergers between firms (the current regulation is the Regulation 139/2004/EC). The general test is To be effective, competition requires companies to act independently of each other, but subject to the pressure exerted by their competitors. Competition rules. EU rules on cartels, mergers and state aid, antitrust cases, how to report anti-competitive behaviour, find competition cases competition or tendering rules to ensure competitive bidding. General competition laws usually address the problems of monopoly power in three formalEuropean competition law is the competition law in use within the European Union. It promotes the maintenance of competition within the European Single You need to be aware of the main rules to avoid breaking the law or becoming a victim of others' Under competition law, mergers between businesses can. Section 52 of the Competition Act 1998 obliges the OFT to prepare and publish general advice and information about the application and.
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